Three superheroes with diverse skin tones and genders, one using a wheelchair. Text: Self-Advocacy Storytime.

Self-Advocacy Storytime is offered as part of the Paving the Way to Self Determination series. Paving the Way to Self Determination aims to raise expectations families have for their children with Developmental Disabilities in living independent, self-determined lives by offering virtual trainings and resources to families across Michigan.

WHO: Groups of eight or more students with IEP or 504 plans and their classmates, up to age 12.

WHAT: Self-Advocacy Storytime provides a storyteller from Disability Network Southwest Michigan who will join your class virtually and read an illustrated disability & self-advocacy children’s book with your class.

During our time together we will engage in lively discussion on self-advocacy. Most sessions will take 30-45 minutes. To take advantage of this FREE opportunity for your class, contact Mary Fortney or (269) 345-1516 x 201, at least two weeks in advance of your desired date and time.

Download the Self-Advocacy Storytime Flyer