Agency Publications
Disability Network Southwest Michigan is dedicated to keeping people informed about disability topics. Below is a list of publications you may like to subscribe to. Click any of the buttons to sign up for our email publications.
If you have any questions about our publications contact us at or call (269) 345-1516.
Paper Publications
The LINK is our quarterly printed newsletter with information about disability topics Disability Network’s programing and upcoming events. The LINK is published in January, April, July, and October.
Visit our LINK page to subscribe to The LINK by mail or to request an alternative format. On this page you can also view or download previous issues of The LINK or listen to an audio recording of it.
Electronic Publications
The e-LINK is divided into shorter monthly email publications. The same great information that is in our quarterly LINK, just divided into smaller batches making it easier and faster to read. As a BONUS, the e-LINK also contains an article each month focused on the business community and how businesses can become accessible and welcoming for people with disabilities.
Use this button to visit our LINK page to view or download previous issues of the e-LINK.
DARE to Impact Change
DARE stands for Disability Advocacy, Rights & Education. DARE to Impact Change is an e-publication focused on disability rights. Each issue links to a more in-depth article on our website that deals with a single disability rights topic. Each article includes information about the topic and how to get involved to impact change, as well as links to articles and videos for more information on the topic. In addition to monthly educational issues, we issue DARE as a way to keep you informed of timely advocacy issues that need your attention. We invite you to DARE to Impact Change with us!
Use this button to visit our DARE page to view or download previous issues of the DARE to Impact Change publication.
Upcoming Education & Events
Upcoming Education & Events is a monthly email letting you know about our upcoming workshops, webinars, movies and other events. Be sure to sign up for this to stay connected to all our great programming! You can also view our Events page for our full programming calendar.