Assistive Technology of the Month
Expandable Door Hinges
We are featuring a different Assistive Technology device each month. This month we are highlighting expandable door hinges. The expandable door hinge allows doors to open flush to the wall, thereby providing an additional two inches to the doorway passage. It is easy to install and replaces standard hinges in most doors.
The expandable door hinge is on display in our St. Joseph office. If you have questions about these A.T. devices, contact Karen in our Kalamazoo Office (269-345-1516 x115) or Joanne in our St. Joseph office (269-982-7761)
For more information about Assistive Technology, visit the Assistive Technology page of our website.
Assistive Technology Funding Assistance is Available
The Assistive Technology Loan Fund (ATLF) is available to help people pay for tools for independence. The ATLF is a low interest loan available to people with disabilities and their family members to help purchase items like wheelchair-accessible vehicles, hearing aids, mobility devices, communication devices, or adapted recreation equipment. The ATLF can also pay for home modifications, including ramps, to make your home more accessible. Contact Lewis in our Kalamazoo office (269-345-1516 x107) for more information.