Giving Tuesday 2023

Join the Movement & Support Diversity in Southwest Michigan

Our vision is a fully accessible community where disability is valued as human diversity and everyone belongs.

Red heart and text Giving Tuesday 2023 plus image of light-skinned male smiling

Today is the day! During the next 24 hours, people around the world will come together to participate in a global day of giving: Giving Tuesday.

At Disability Network Southwest Michigan, we believe disability is diversity. We celebrate disability as a natural part of the human condition and our programs support people of all ages, with all types of disabilities.

In honoring the diverse experiences of humans with disabilities, we provide a safe space for individuals to connect with peers and share both challenges and triumphs with one another. Your donation allows us to offer individuals like Bobby, pictured above, the opportunity to do exactly that through one of our groups, the Brain Injury Survivors’ Group.

Peer support is one of the core services of a center for independent living. Educational topics, social time, and sharing feelings are all part of the peer support experience. Read More about our Peer Support groupsĀ HERE.

It is our privilege to do this vital work - but we cannot do it without your support. Thank you!