Did you know you can earn money for us every time you shop at Harding’s? Sign up for Harding’s Community Rewards today to raise money for Disability Network Southwest Michigan!
It’s easy and takes only a couple of minutes. Follow these instructions to set up your account and start raising money for us:
- Go to Harding’s website at www.hardings.com.
- Go to the SAVINGS & REWARDS Tab.
- Click COMMUNITY REWARDS option and then click on the page to open the registration window and register your information.
- Go to MY PROFILE by clicking the HEAD ICON on the far right corner.
- Click MY REWARDS on the menu bar and select Disability Network Southwest Michigan from the drop down.
- Click ADD.
Then, when checking out at the register, simply type in your 10 digit phone number on the pinpad. No card required! In addition to supporting Disability Network, you will also receive personalized digital coupons delivered right to your email box once a week.
If you have any difficulty signing up for the Harding’s Community Rewards program contact Kristen Potts at (269) 345-1516 x119 in our Kalamazoo office and she can walk you through it.
The more you spend the more we earn! Thank you for taking the time to help Harding’s help us!