Disability Network is currently hiring two positions in our Kalamazoo Office.
Position Title: Nursing Facility Transition/Outreach Specialist
This position provides direct service to Medicaid recipients residing in nursing facilities, who desire to live in the community. The Nursing Facility Transition/Outreach Specialist assesses the needs of customers, creates person-centered plans, assists customers in their move to the community, and provides follow-up services. Outreach on transition services is provided to persons residing in nursing facilities, nursing facility staff, and groups in the community. Advocacy, and information and referral services in the area of long term community supports are services also provided.
Use the button below to download a full job description including duties and qualifications.
[gdlr_button href=”http://www.dnswm.org/wp-content/uploads/NFT_Outreach-Job-Posting_160701.pdf” target=”_blank” size=”medium” background=”#0079c1″ color=”#ffffff”]Download Job Description[/gdlr_button]
To apply for this position, please submit a cover letter and resume to the attention of Mona Khaled at Disability Network Southwest Michigan, 517 East Crosstown Parkway, Kalamazoo, MI 49001 by July 17, 2016.
Position Title: Travel Trainer/Transit Outreach Specialist
The Travel Trainer is responsible for teaching people how to travel safely and independently on the Metro Transit fixed route bus and Metro County Connect para-transit & demand/response system in Kalamazoo County. This position is 30 hours/week.
Use the button below to download a full job description including duties and qualifications.
[gdlr_button href=”http://www.dnswm.org/wp-content/uploads/Travel-Trainer-Job-Description.pdf” target=”_blank” size=”medium” background=”#0079c1″ color=”#ffffff”]Download Job Description[/gdlr_button]
To apply for this position. please submit a cover letter and resume to the attention of Lewis Whalen at Disability Network Southwest Michigan, 517 East Crosstown Parkway, Kalamazoo, MI 49001 by July 17, 2016.