Annual RAMP-A-THON kicks off at our ADA Celebration!
Disability Network’s annual Ramp-a-Thon kicks off at the ADA Celebration on July 21. Ramp-a-Thon raises money to construct or purchase ramps for people with mobility disabilities across our service area. A ramp makes it possible to do something as basic as getting to the mailbox, as important as getting to doctor appointments, and as critical as being able to get out of their home in the event of an emergency. Ramps allow everyone equal
opportunity to be a vibrant part of their community.
Please consider a donation to Ramp-a-Thon between now and August 31. You can make a donation at our ADA celebration on July 21, donate online at or drop a check in the mail to:
Ramp-a-Thon / Disability Network
517 E. Crosstown Parkway, Kalamazoo, MI 49001
Meet Patricia . . .
Patricia has a mobility disability; she can walk very little and usually uses a power chair when she is in the community. Patricia’s house has four steps at the entrance which doesn’t seem like a lot, but if you can’t navigate
stairs, four steps presents a significant barrier. Patricia often needed to be carried out of her home, and the lack of access created a significant safety hazard in the event of an emergency.
Disability Network coordinated volunteers from Harbor Habitat for Humanity and funding used from our Ramp Up program and St. Joseph-Benton Harbor Rotary Foundation to build a ramp for Patricia so she can now independently come and go and feel safe in her home.
When we invest in disability, the entire community benefits. Join Disability Network Southwest Michigan in creating a diverse and inclusive community by investing in people with disabilities. We cannot do this important work without your support.