Join us to watch and discuss the film Becoming Bulletproof. This documentary film follows a group of men and women with disabilities who come together to star in a unique new western film in which they have the leading roles.
Becoming Bulletproof focuses on Zeno Mountain Farm, a nonprofit organization that assembles troupes of disabled and non-disabled actors to produce films. When the group decided to make it’s first-ever western, Michael Barnett, the documentary’s director, trailed them to produce this film.
This web-movie will be offered on Thursday , February 25 at 1:00 to 3:00 PM.
Participation in this event is available through an internet connection. Space is limited, so please register in advance below.
Registration is now closed for this event.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this webinar, please follow this link to email Miranda or call her at 269-345-1516 x120.